The impact of COVID-19 has created a seismic impact on each of our lives. While it is impossible to predict what the world will look like as we continue to fight through this pandemic, we at the Garden City Park Water District continue to provide the essential service of delivering an uninterrupted water supply to our customers throughout the District, and our water continues to be in compliance with all federal, New York State and Nassau County regulations.
“While our offices remain closed to the general public to protect the health and safety of our staff and customers, we continue to work and adhere to the conditions and mandates of the state of emergency,” stated Water Commissioner Peter Chimenti. The District has taken numerous precautionary measures to protect the health of all personnel, including the enforcement of social distancing and the use of masks and gloves. Chimenti added, “Our offices are cleaned and disinfected daily, as well the District fleet of vehicles.”
It’s important to inform you that our water supply remains unaffected by the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization have confirmed that the COVID-19 virus is not waterborne and that the standard disinfection done by water suppliers as regular practices are an effective method for inactivating the COVID-19 virus.