Bill Sample
To help you understand your water bill, please refer to the graphic below with the corresponding lettered descriptions. You may call the District Office Monday through Friday between 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at (516) 746-3194 for any further questions about your bill.
A: DUE DATE is the date by which payment is required to be received by the District. If the due date occurs on a day the District is closed, the next business day will be the due date for the bill.
B: ACCOUNT NUMBER is assigned to this account by the District.
C: AMOUNT DUE is the dollar amount owed to the District for this account for this billing period.
D: AMOUNT ENCLOSED is the dollar amount paid for this account for this billing period.
E: BILLING PERIOD covers roughly three months.
F: SERVICE ADDRESS is the location of the water service for this account.
G: PRIOR READING is the number of gallons (in thousands) shown on the water meter at the end of the prior billing period.
H: CURRENT READING is the number of gallons (in thousands) shown on the water meter at the end of the current billing period.
I: USAGE/TYPE is the difference between the number of gallons shown on the water meter at the end of the current billing period and the number of gallons shown on the water meter at the end of the prior billing period. This is how many gallons of water this account has used for the current billing period. Actual Read means the meter was read by a District employee. Estimated means the water meter was unable to be read and the bill has been estimated based on past actual water usage and the season of the billing period.
J: NEW CHARGES shows how the water bill was calculated for this billing period.
K: UNPAID BALANCE is any outstanding billing from prior billing periods.
L: MISC. CHARGES may include sprinkler line fee, manual read fee and damaged meter endpoint fee.
M: PENALTY CHARGES may include a late fee of 10% for a previous unpaid balance.
N: NEW WATER CHARGE shows the amount charged for new water usage for this billing period.
O: BALANCE DUE is the total of unpaid balance, misc. charges, penalty charges and new water charge. This is also the dollar AMOUNT DUE to the District for this billing period for this account.
P: QUARTERLY RATE SCHEDULE indicates the billing structure and water rates per gallon.